Monday, May 11, 2015

Pool Report: Orange Crush


Last week, the NDP unleashed what it called the “Orange Crush” on Alberta. Last night, Anaheim delivered their version.

Calgary were never really in this series. But it afforded a lot of their fans a distraction from having to pack up the F-150 and head off in search of a city with some jobs.

On The East coast, both New York and Montreal staved off elimination, delaying the CBC Sports job cuts that will inevitably follow the demise of any future Habs games.

And if you read what sports insiders have to say, that gaping arena set Rogers built for their hockey broadcasts might look a lot emptier come the Fall as well.

But Will Dixon isn’t concerned, counting as he is on living large from his Pool winnings. But Chris Sheasgreen has halved the distance between them and Wil Zmak is hanging in there as well.

By the time we report on Friday, the Second Round will be over and the picture of who has a chance and who’s become redundant will be clearer. Until then –- the standings:


And to lighten the mood for those disheartened by the performance of Calgary or their own pool picks, here’s a video submitted by former pool player Allan Eastman.

Allan isn’t playing this year, distracted as he is by the pending suspension of Tom Brady. But it’s a subtle reminder that even the best of us let the game get to us from time to time.

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