Monday, May 13, 2013

The Coolest Canadian Ever Comes Home

For the last six months, me and about 750,000 other earthlings have been following the daily, sometimes hourly, tweets from International Space Station Expedition 35 Commander Chris Hadfield.

During that period, Commander Chris has deluged us with awesome photos from the Space Station, videos of what it’s like to live in weightlessness, discussions with classrooms and our most famous fictional astronaut William Shatner as well as debuting the new $5 bill.

Who knew the ISS had an ATM?

On top of that he’s sung, sharing duets with earthbound artists and offering his own celestial inspired compositions.

I can’t think of anybody who has so profoundly reminded us of just how cool and inspirational it is to explore the Cosmos.

Chris comes back to Earth tonight and one of his final missives from Space was an utterly moving rendition of David Bowie’s “A Space Oddity”.

Welcome home, Commander Chris. Thanks for the inspiration. And please accept the mantle of “Coolest Canadian Ever”. It’s the least we can humbly offer.

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